The follower of Jesus puts off the foolish fear of men and practices a faith-filled fear of God.
Christ has gifted us His sacraments as visible signs and seals of His invisible grace.
When Christ reproaches you, receive it as His gracious call to correction, instead of resisting it to your own destruction.
Our King Jesus is the God who forever comes to our aid and holds us up in His arms of refuge.
Make sure you are washed from the inside out by Jesus so that you avoid God's judgement on hypocrisy.
As with the Word, participate in the sacraments trusting God to give the increase and make them effectual for your salvation.
Open your eyes to the bright light of Christ so that your darkness will be banished and your life will be filled with light.
God calls you to strengthen your commitment to His public worship in 2025, both blessing Him and being blessed by Him.
Without the LORD we would be destroyed by our enemies but blessed be the LORD who is our deliverer and help.
To know the promised blessing of God's Word for salvation, properly prepare for it, rightly receive it, and diligently do it.